A Special Thanks to You…
“Use LOYAL21 at checkout for a 20% discount across the entire site. Includes styling and colour services.
Valid until 15th December 2021”
Growing my own brand has been quite the journey. I have been extremely blessed to have seen growth in my following over the last six years. It’s strange to think back to 2015, when the kids were little (I mean tiny), I was working away into the wee hours on The Colourful Edit imagining where I could take it and knowing that it had strength.
I said to hubby at the time, if this doesn’t work, and my ideas are awful, I’ll get another job once they are all in school.
‘They’, the reason, are my three children, Mac, Nell & Quinn. Balancing the load has never been more tricky (especially post lockdown), but my work allows me to have the time with them, then have the time building my brand, when they are at school, or in the evenings, so that they can look back and think, wow, my mum changed things up and made people feel good about themselves through her colourful ways.
My first ever pop up shop saw customers coming in to check out ‘the rainbow girl’. I’m not sure everyone got it at the start. I’m not sure I knew how to even talk about it. Most of you just saw the beauty in my idea, but needed confidence to embrace the colour. Mainly, you all just wanted to embrace the creativity and support me. You all know who you are, and you are still with me to this day, looking damn fine and embracing colour, and encouraging people to do the same. Some may call you my Brand Ambassadors!
2020/2021 has been such a rollercoaster. I’m not sure we are talking about this enough. Everyone is feeling the burn, from my GP friends, to my mum friends to my small business friends, teacher friends to my overseas friends. What’s worse, no one has any of the answers.
Amongst the personal worries that come with being a mum, wife, daughter, sister and friend. Business wise, I’ve had to combat a lot of change and uncertainty for my small ‘but mighty’ business. Growing from strength to strength, with opportunities to Pitch with the likes of Trinny Woodall, to panicking the next month with my Studio closed, no footfall and no ‘colourful news’ during the Pandemic. Not to mention dealing with the ‘copy cats’ and ‘idea thieves’ who aren’t worthy of the mention (but one day may get their stage). Strategies for growth were popped on hold, whilst new strategies for the ‘new norm’ were popped quickly into place. Pivoting and thinking outside of the box is something I do quite well as an ‘ideas’ person, thankfully.
The one thing I can say however, is that there is so much power in colour and the joy and hope it can bring. You all were using it through lockdown to create happy zooms, sending on colourful gifts to loved ones, and post lockdown 99% of my clients are all encompassing of the COLOUR. This makes me soooooo happy!
I have lately been working with Katie on my new Website and this week we have launched. It’s been a while in the making. I wanted to showcase everything we stand for at the Colourful Edit and all our products & services. I have revisited a few of my styling and colour services and revamped them in a way that will best serve my clients (and myself) in terms of best value. There are some price changes in some areas, but these are reflective of the service provided. The products are now easily listed and shopable - I hope you’ll agree.
So, I conclude…
This has been a long winded message of THANKS!
Thank you to you all for sticking with me, supporting me, booking in with me and wearing my products. I’m offering 20% off until 15 December across products and services. So if you have been thinking about a colour session, you are more than welcome to order vouchers using our special code LOYAL21 at checkout.
Lots of Love,
Lauren xx