Lauren Jamieson Lauren Jamieson

The made up edit …

images borrowed from pinterest

Did you know that as well as getting your colours in place for your clothing, we also offer advice at your session on make-up and hair. We look at your skin, hair and eyes and try to enhance all your natural features and add the flavour! Here are some examples of top celebrities in their seasonal palette and how they look harmonious wearing all the right make up for their face, then to the right, too heavy or the wrong colours… (although they aren’t really ‘wrong’ as they all look gorgeous and so I’m sure do you… but you get the drift!)

This Summer we will be holding evenings in colour, make up and style, so please get in touch if this is something you fancy looking into!

Lauren and Nicole xx

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Lauren Jamieson Lauren Jamieson

Life of a Lady

Last Sunday we spent the day at Kelso Races, Ladies Day. The Colourful Edit sponsors the ‘Queen of Style’ category, along with Claire from Inis. The prize was to win a styling session with colours, shape, style, make up and wardrobe advice, with assisted (if required) personal shopping within the beautiful Inis store. The winner has £650 to spend in store. So it surely was something to get dressed up for!

The day was peachy weather wise and there were so many gorgeous outfits to choose from (and many that we saw later in the day!). It’s always a difficult decision knowing that the ladies put in so much effort into getting their looks together. We jointly concluded that our Queen of Style was Jane Johnson, who is featured below in the ivory feathers, with a stunning fascinator. Gorgeous for Spring and stood out in the crowd with elegance…

A big thanks to Jonathan and Sherri for planning another fabulous day in Kelso. And my little fam club for keeping us all entertained through the day :)

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Lauren Jamieson Lauren Jamieson

Creation and manifestation…

The Colourful Edit Accessories made it into John Lewis Edinburgh as part of the Great Brand Exchange. Colourful statement accessories for everyone to enjoy.

WOW, Wow, wow. What a week.

The Colourful Edit accessories, made their debut in John Lewis Edinburgh store in association with the Great Brand Exchange.

Slowly recovering my feet from a week in retail! It’s been so worthwhile. Met some very lovely people, had fun with the girls and got to spend time in our bonnie city. It was pretty surreal chatting through my accessories to a wider audience.

Thoroughly enjoyed being present in front of new customers far and wide chatting through the brand, the sustainability factor, the community aspect, the local women making them, the thought process behind them. The power of COLOUR. I felt really very proud.

We also made it into the style squad showcase! And our designs are heading over the seas to Tasmania, America, Ireland and Dubai…

When I first started making my products, I used to tell people that one day I would be popping up in John Lewis.

Manifestation pays off lovely people!

A massive thank you to everyone who came to see me and support the brand. I have applied a 25% discount code across all accessories this week. So if you had spotted something you fancied, or want to design your own, now is your chance to take me up on the opportunity of this great discount.

Simply type MANIFEST at checkout …

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Lauren Jamieson Lauren Jamieson


This year I am working again with the gorgeous team at Kelso Races, looking to hand out the crown to this year’s Queen of Style!

The Colourful Edit and boutique clothing champions Inis are involved in a wonderful prize for our Queen, as well as best dressed couple (looked after by Humes Outfitters), best dressed male (The Schloss Roxburghe) and best vintage style (Edinburgh Gin). So it’s really in your best interest to grab a ticket for a wonderful day out!

I have been working behind the scenes on a little inspiration and mood board, where you can explore all the joy and individuality of YOU. That’s right. Instead of following the trend, or getting into a pickle over keeping up with the Kardashians, take a step back and have some fun with your style. Explore what you already have, look to friends and family, ask your local maker or designer for help, or rejig that outfit you’ve been meaning to wear again, but do it in a different light. After all, going out is supposed to be FUN!

I have taken the opportunity to use clothing and items from HURR, ‘fashions favourite rental platform’, founded by Victoria Prew, an industry lead in circular fashion. Using my colour and styling background I have created some inspiration for you to put your best heels forward.

Hopefully you get a little inspired and if you need any further help on event wear, pulling an outfit together, adding in accessories or mixing colour, you know where I am!

Wishing you all a beautiful summer of friendship, laughter and colour!

Lots of Love,
Lauren x

Ladies Day at Kelso Races, is Sunday 28th May

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Lauren Jamieson Lauren Jamieson


This is Rachel from REW.

We met through colour, and a love for exceptional products 🫶 Rachel’s friend Alison put us in touch❤️

It’s been around a year Rachel that has stocked my designs and I had a lovely trip down last Summer to North Wales (which on a sunny day reminded me of NZ).

Rachel is ten years ahead of me on her business journey, is an incredible fashion designer and is a wonderful sounding board for me when I’m feeling a little stuck, confused and dazed as to the world of retail. Because as we all know, it can be rewarding, but it can also be very challenging, especially being a one woman band up against the big guns, comparing marketing budgets (or mass departments!😩😂)

My designs seem to go down an absolute storm in Wales(and beyond), and it’s thanks to Rachel promoting and talking about them with confidence and joy! Rocking the styling, with her collections, they just look epic!

You can check out Rew over here…

And here are some of our holiday snaps to entice you into a wine and a dip!

#teamwork #collab #rewclothing #thecolourfuledit #wholesale #stockist #northwales #addcolour #colourfulaccessories

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Lauren Jamieson Lauren Jamieson


If you have been following my social pages, hopefully you will be just as excited as me for the week that is next…

The Colourful Edit Accessories are popping up in John Lewis Edinburgh for a week.

We will be in the Fashion Accessories Department of John Lewis Edinburgh from Monday through until Sunday. The position of our pop up spot is on level two, amongst the silvers, golds and wedding hats. We will hopefully be your alternative to jewels and crowns and I invite you to come in and chat colour, style and even bring with you a few pieces from your wardrobe you wish for me to match in. I also welcome any boutique shop owners from across the nation and globe and shall have my product catalogue at the ready to chat ‘shop’! In for a penny, in for a pound and all that!

This year my brand turns eight. I’ve been self employed for ten years, with the former two being in Australia. When I started the business I had dreams of my products being stocked in John Lewis, so for me, this is actually a ‘moment’. But all the moments have been moments really, from sitting making into the wee hours in the very early days when I had two little children, to taking my third to my first pop up shops, growing my incredible community in the Scottish Borders, opening my own concept studio where I run private styling sessions, the 300 plus colour analysis, attending Country Living, getting my first stockist, being featured on Trinny Woodall’s Elevator Pitch, popping up in EGG on George Street, raising money for the NHS through my rainbow collection, meeting Holly Tucker, wholesaling at Top Drawer, you name it, i’ve been there and tried it in this ever evolving world of retail and change. I’ve also grown very attached and protective of my pieces, so to have this opportunity to chat about ‘my’ product at a national level is another boost to my confidence as a Founder.

The story is a simple one to tell as I’m fully encompassed. The accessories range have been designed by myself, and I now have a team of wonderful local women who make for me. I source my colours at the start of each season, never buying in excess. I look at customers through the eyes of a colour stylist, so I am able to tell which colours are to suit, or will match in with wardrobes well. The products are made by hand, from materials that would have otherwise gone into landfill, so we repurpose, forming part of the circular fashion economy. I have been telling my story for eight years and when I first mentioned ‘recycled and sustainable’ people would often turn the other way and I wonder, still, are people interested in the sustainability side, because we all know that people ‘seem’ to be saying they are, but in reality, is it happening? I really hope so.

Enough work chat Lauren… What will we have with us I hear you ask?

Well, we will have our delicious colourful range of neckwear’s, earring’s and keyring’s and I will be on hand to deliver mini sessions in colour analysis seasonal advice. I also have my friend Alison from Manchester coming up on Monday 3-8pm for some colourful chats.

If you have managed here to the bottom, thank you for reading. If you could spread the word to friends and family that would be very sweet of you.

Lots of Love,
See you next week hopefully!
Lauren xx

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Lauren Jamieson Lauren Jamieson

Across the Seasons…

The Colourful Edit accessories featuring the Pumpkin Abby. This is a gorgeous shade for warmer complexions.

Here at the Colourful Edit, we like to make the most our of our pieces and style them up as we see fit! There are so many possibilities in terms of what to wear in Spring, lightening and brightening, and how to make our pieces work into a spring/summer capsule wardrobe. However, another cool way to make our pieces more versatile is to also style them up across each season… getting more bang for your buck so to speak!

For example, here is Nicole looking beautiful, in our gorgeous Pumpkin Abby, styled across both Spring/Summer and Autumn/Winter.

So make the most of your pieces, and see how you can re-vamp your look, using what you already have. Our look at a new piece with fresh eyes, thinking, how could I get my wear across each new season. The best way of doing this would be to find your ‘wow’ colours and you know that we are here to help with that! We offer Colour Analysis and Personal Styling sessions here in the Scottish Borders. Team Colourful are also happy to travel to you! Please do get in touch if you have been thinking about this. It’s a great way to move forward with colours that suits and neutrals that work for YOU.

We LOVE to see our customers in our pieces. Please keep sending us in your snaps!

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Lauren Jamieson Lauren Jamieson


We are just back on UK soil after a wonderful five weeks adventure with the family. It’s been so wonderful to get away and relax into holiday mode, spending time off my phone and focused on the family. In such a busy world, I think we all tend to forget that it’s ok to step off the hamster wheel. Although, often if you do, it’s very hard to get back on!

My friends overseas were asking for the breakdown, how the kids got on, was it ok, was it hellish, what I packed etc. So I thought I’d share as it may come into some use for anyone who’s flying long haul economy with kids this summer.

We stopped over in Dubai on route to Sydney/Auckland. Our kids ages are 10, 8 & 6. They were wee superstars tbh.

Here are my top tips for family travel ❤️
- Allocate your team (seats will be split - we went 2/3 ratio)
- Bright clothes (make people smile and identify your tribe in a packed airport (I do this at play parks too)😊)
- ID bands and attachment wristlet (more for younger children, we had ours a few years back and Quinn wanted to use hers)
- iPads and own headphones (to avoid ear ache from the plane options and to elliminate white noise for other passengers)
- Individual hand luggage/ bag (makes security easy if you just have your own bag and devices to look after)
- Crossover bag for tickets and passports (bright and easily accessed - Colin was mortified, but he soon got into it)
- Roll spare clothes secure with hair ties (just incase they get wet or into a mess)
- Blow up cube pillows (sleep hack, under 7yrs, we were ok to use these unless there was turbulance)
- Buy transit snacks and take refill water bottle (there are filling stations at most airports and saves you buying endless plastic)
- Utilise the airline supplies (blankets, toiletries. I took too much of this and it was weighing the bags down)
- Exercise (walk around) before to burn off steam
- Shoes which easily come on and off (in case you need to rush through)
- Small comfort items, and sticker/book (sticker books are great for passing time/uno)
- Medicine for ear emergencies (your call)
- Book sensible flight times
- Split up clothing (half per person in each, just incase!)
- Factor 50, don’t overheat, long sleeve rash vests.
- Quick drying towels (compact)
- For avid readers - they will LOVE to figure out the gates and next steps so they feel in charge - they can learn all about the geography on board too❤️
- Book a good stop gap with plenty to do and a great selection of food, we spent 36 hours in Dubai.

I’ve flown this route several times, so I wasn’t really worried, but flying with kids I can imagine may be stressful - try and keep cool and enjoy the process. I can sense the anxiety of other travellers post covid, people aren’t as chatty, which made the airports a bit boring and less fun. I like a chat as you may have noticed!

Lauren xx

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Lauren Jamieson Lauren Jamieson

The Party Season…

The Party Wear Edit

Hello to whoever may be reading… Cole here! This is my first ever blog ahhhh! Bear with me, while I get the hang of this.

How are you all doing?

November already?? I guess it’s time to be thinking about those party attires, whether this is for a birthday celebration, work party, a get together with friends, romantic meal with your other half or just the big day… Can i say it yet?? CHRISTMAS!!

Personally I absolutely love the Winter Season as I get to mix up my wardrobe by layering, eating lots of over indulging food (because who can see from the layers?) I have lots of plans ongoing including getting all dolled up in my sparkles and spending time with people who mean the most!

Sometimes it can be tricky knowing what to wear at events/party nights in the Winter, especially in Scotland. This is where I come in as a Colour Stylist. I have put together an example of one style board - party wear.

At The Colourful Edit with colour analysis knowledge the style boards can be tailored to your seasonal colours with advice to make sustainable choices, or equally you can subscribe to our ‘styling subscription boards’ (launching early December). Here we will guide you on how outfits can be put together, inspiring you to use items from your own wardrobe.

Here is an example of what’s to come!

Warmer toned palettes (Spring & Autumns) should stick to golds and the cool tones (Summer & Winter) keep to your silvers.

If you would like a copy of this PDF to get the links please get in touch,

Thank you

Cole xx

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Lauren Jamieson Lauren Jamieson


Good Day!

I hope that you are all well and happy and taking some time for some self care.

It’s September now, and I find it’s the best month to start a little planning around packing away summer fashions, transitional dressing and layering into the cooler months.

I have been working as a Stylist for over ten years now and I have around 300 clients under my belt. These women come to me for all different reasons, some for milestone birthdays, some for a good time with friends, I get people who want to come out of wearing black, people who can’t wear more than two colours without panicking, classic dressers that are a little bored and need quirky, classic dressers that don’t feel great in the traditional classic colours (because they actually don’t suit the colours of Winter), women who have come through treatment for cancer, ladies who have gone grey and are at a loss, 18 year olds about to start uni, new mums who have lost their way (they haven’t btw, they have just lost time!). Whatever the reason, I am here for them, and they all leave feeling more confident in colour, with a clear direction on how they will present, for years to come. It is about presenting, and about being present. It’s about finding the joy in the little things, taking time for you, understanding the meaning behind colour confidence, feeling happy in your clothes, but ultimately understanding the process and the journey to get you to this point.

My services vary from client to client, but my main sessions of late have been in the following;
Colour Confidence (colour analysis), Colour-Shape & Style (makeover moment) and Wardrobe Edits (sustainable styling) with existing clients requiring some Event Styling (helping your look ace).

Finding your confidence through colour and style has so many benefits;
You start with a base colour palette which is worked through your tops, bottoms, shoes, bags and accessories.
You find out your style personality - you may be a classic, a boho, a minimal, a creative dresser. This is important to know.
You can wear with confidence, colour next to your face and know that these colours make you shine.
You learn about complimentary colours, harmonious colours, the art of tonal dressing. So when an event pops up, you are ready!
We advise you not only on clothing and accessories, but hair and make up too.
We continually keep in touch and reassure you if you need any further help.

Moving into Autumn, I have a few wardrobe edits booked in for people who have already discussed the colour and are ready to make use out of their wardrobes and have a focus on sustainability. I come into the wardrobe, take out everything that is either; no longer fitting, the wrong colour, the wrong fabric, just wrong (ha), and we see what we have left. We then re-create outfits out of your existing curated wardrobe and gap fill by writing out a list of missing classic pieces that will tie everything together. These can be bought over time. I am fully aware that black may feature, but it’s how we feature it. It’s not by wearing it in oversized cotton head to toe! My intention is to make the most out of what you have and I tend to be the queen of re-inventing outfits and adding layers to flatter.

Obviously i’m more free through the week, but I do try my best to accommodate my clients and can offer evening or a weekend. Nicole is also available for Colour sessions. I have had a few DMs lately, so I thought it would be a good time to let you know how to book in for a session.

So without further ado, you just need to follow these steps;

Visit our home page and select the Colour and Confidence tab. Here you see Book and appointment.
Choose from the available days (shown in bold), then select a time.
Confirm your information. You can pay now, or pay on the day.
Once booked you will receive a confirmation appointment. This features information about the session you have requested.
You come into the studio, or I can organise a home wardrobe edit.
Alternatively, if you aren’t a whizz on the old internet, you can call me on 07872859903.

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Lauren Jamieson Lauren Jamieson

What’s in your Top Drawer??

Well, according to the experts, we keep everything that means a little something, something to us… but why am I going on about this I hear you say?

Well, The Colourful Edit has exciting news! We are going to be exhibiting at Top Drawer London, with some of Britain’s top brand names! We will have the opportunity to chat about our story, the original concept, design and business to the people in the ‘know’, the wonderful retailers of this world!

It’s happening in September 11th -13th at London Olympia. We are feeling very excited, rather proud all mixed with a little bit of the unknown!

Whilst visiting Top Drawer last year, I thought to myself, how great a show it was, and wouldn’t this be the perfect platform for my designs. I already have a great portfolio of stockists, but this could be the chance to get the brand out there at a National level.

My designs are original, handmade, part of the circular fashion economy, backed by a team of passionate woman, a stylist who has a focus on colour at the forefront, teamed with an array of colours that women can rock. They are unique, eye catching and a talking point. And they are already a proved success selling over my own commerce platform and fabulous stockists!

What I am hoping to achieve, is to find connection with people who ‘get it’, to add a little bit of colour into their stores (their worlds) and become a passionate ambassador for our accessories by stocking our designs. There is so much happiness in finding your colours and dopamine dressing, and with Autumn approaching I’d encourage the use of wearing ‘wow’. We can all find happiness in the little things. We need colour, we need a circular fashion economy, we need small businesses, and we certainly need the niche!

So! If you know of any fabulous retailers or like minded folks who would love our designs, please point them our direction - we are happy to chat through the benefits of colour any given time! If you are a retailer and you are visiting, our stand is 286 and myself and Katie shall welcome your enquiries!

Thanks for reading,
Lauren xoxo



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Lauren Jamieson Lauren Jamieson


Campaign Shop Independent, Holly Tucker

You all are aware that I am a massive supporter of Small Independent Businesses. You know the ones, the original idea hatchers, the bakers and shakers, the work into the midnight makers.

You also may know I’m a MASSIVE fan of Holly Tucker. Holly Tucker founded Not On The High Street and had amazing success. She is now the UK Small Business Ambassador and has a passionate army of Small Businesses behind her flying their flags! Cue ‘me!’

This Summer is set to be a tricky tricky time for small independents as everyone (the consumer) seems to be watching their spend, using pennies for holidays and struggling with the rising cost of living. Our hope is that if you do need to buy a gift, cake, card, that you first of all look to your local community. And in the Scottish Borders you won’t find this a difficult task, as there is an abundance of creative talent who make or provide excellent service, and certainly in Galashiels alone, there are over 20 independent bakers!

My customers (yes you!) have been my best ever gift. You support me through the times I need you and I hope in return I bring you a little bit of colour, advice or joy. So, to celebrate you (and I), today, I am offering a ‘lucky dip’ giveaway for my next 20 online customers. Simply spend over £25 then along with your gift, you will receive a little surprise from me. This could be a kids design, a voucher, a keyring, or some earrings! I’ve bundled up 20 pieces from my collection, as a little treat. All you have to do is order from me - and if you are in the top twenty - you will get a little happy treat! You will know when your parcel arrives, you will have a little sticker on the front! I just need you to tag your box and do a little reveal picture for me on socials (if you can).


SIMPLY KEY IN - SHOWLOVESHOPSMALL at checkout to claim your prize!

Myself and two other small business owners have created a space for creatives to shine and we host a monthly market to showcase our homegrown talent. It’s called The Heartland Market if you wanna go check it out! Whether you are a local maker, or interested in our line up of talent.

You probably haven’t missed this if you have been following me. We have been blown away by the success of this local market and have brought energy to an abandoned street! Putting the pennies back into our own pavements!

Thanks so much for reading and supporting. You can further support me by following @thecolourfuledit, liking, sharing, commenting and saving my content as well as doing the same for @galashiels_theheartlandmarket and supporting all our fabby makers too.

We’re making this the summer of small business love – and we need your help to spread the message. We want to encourage the nation to show heart by shopping small, asking everyone to think how they could change their usual spending behaviour to support our independents – but we need your help!

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Lauren Jamieson Lauren Jamieson

Books, wine & shopping…

Did that headline get your attention?

Sounds like something I feel a lot of you may be up for??

I don’t know about you, but lately, i’ve been feeling like it’s all work and no play! When I start to feel a little like this, I generally like to set aside some ‘me time’ and do the following;

  1. Switch off, find a hiding space and read a book…

  2. Catch up with my friends (possibly with a wine in hand, although this doesn’t need to be the case!)

  3. Have a little potter around local businesses and support local makers…

Lucky for myself (and the girls), just around the corner (or over in Melrose so to speak), we have the fabulous Borders Book Festival happening between 16th - 19th June 2022. Four fabulous days of talks, comedy, live music, food & drink, and much, much more…

I’m delighted to be working with Borders Book Festival this year, by offering my clients a couple of special discounts…

First of all… I wanted to share a discount code to some lovely events at the book festival, which may just be to your taste.
(PS. there will be wine!)…

Simply enter EDIT20 once tickets are added to basket. Offer is up to midnight, Friday 3rd June, and is valid for the following:

Lisa Jewell & Will Brooker

Friday 17th June, 9.15pm, tickets £13,  concessions £11

Have you ever thought about what it takes to become a bestselling writer? If so, The Truth About Lisa Jewell is the book for you. In it, Will Brooker tells the story of how a novel is written, from before the start to after the finish; it’s an in-depth analysis of how that novel fits into a bestselling author like

Lisa Jewell’s career and her previous work, and what her style shares with other authors. Both Will and Lisa will be on stage to talk about the story of their friendship - popular novelist and professor of cultural studies - two very different writers. This will be a fascinating event - and Lisa will also give us a glimpse of what will be coming in The Family Remains due to be published in July.

Click here for ticket link


Helen McGinn: The Knackered Mother’s Wine Guide - A Top Up

Sunday 19th June, 8.15pm, tickets £20 (including samples!)

It’s been a while, but this year TV wine expert Helen McGinn is back and she’s bringing wine! Helen’s wine book is based on her award-winning

blog and aims to steer you through the wine aisle with confidence.  She’ll have a selection to taste whilst talking about the secret to picking

a good bottle every time and she’s also written two fiction books since her last visit so expect plenty of wine and book chat! Oh, and given it’s

Father’s Day they’re allowed in too!  Ticket includes wine samples from our wine partners Corney & Barrow.

 Click here to join in the fun and get tickets!

Jenny Colgan

Sunday 19th June, 5.00pm, tickets £11, concessions £9

From the chart-topping, Sunday Times bestselling author comes the final novel in the beloved Mure series, An Island Wedding. Prepare to have your heart broken, mended and then broken again. Olivia and Anthony are planning A Very Extravagant Wedding at the newest hotel on the tiny Scottish island of Mure.  They’re flying in chefs, musicians and something called a living flower wall…and no one is even allowed to think the word bridezilla. But it turns out to be a story of three couples and one midsummer night. Can everyone get their happy ever after?

Sunday 19 June

Again, Click here for more information and ticket link

CODE: EDIT20 valid up to midnight 3rd June 2022.

Hopefully these great events shall strike a chord with you and you can find a little space in the diaries to attend. Myself and the girls are going to be at the Friday evening event with Lisa Jewell and Will Brooker, making a little evening celebration for a 40th birthday all whilst learning how to write that ‘bestselling’ book! Ahh, maybe the next project!

I’m also trying to convince Colin that ‘the knackered mother’s wine club’ would be a great way to spend Father’s Day evening!
Although actually, to recall… the last time we attended the book festival on Father’s Day in Melrose, we found out that morning we were expecting the third child! I’m not sure we took much in that day :)

Secondly…. Necklace discount at The Heartland Market.

The Colourful Edit will also be there exhibiting during the four days with the fabulous Heartland Market, so you can add a little colour to your look via our market stall too! Simply show me your tickets to the above events, or mention the EDIT20 code in person, and we will also offer you an amazing 20% off all necklaces purchased.

Get in touch if you have any questions.

Hope to see you there gals!

Lauren xoxo

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Lauren Jamieson Lauren Jamieson

Are you a Queen of style?

Then this one is for you! Keep on reading …

I’m delighted to be involved with the team at Kelso Races once again, to help determine our “Queen of Style’ winner, this Ladies Day.

It's going to be an epic afternoon full of colour, fun and fantastic racing including the £12,000 feature race, The Corinthian Cup Hunter Chase. There'll be valuable prizes for the most stylish racegoers - so if you haven’t already, why not get yourself a ticket and enjoy a day at the races with your friends, and you may as well get all dressed up to dazzle when you find out about the amazing prizes on offer!

Myself and the gorgeous Claire from Inis (a beautiful clothing store with shops in Peebles, Galashiels and Hawick) have teamed up and shall be offering a full styling package (colour, shape, style, digital mood-boards & a personal shop ), along with £650 vouchers to spend within Inis, Galashiels. Claire has a beautiful range of quality classic clothing featuring brands such as; French Connection, Ichi, Birkenstocks, Part Two, White Stuff, Masai, Amazing Woman, Pilgrim, Isle Jacobsen plus many more.

What a fantastic opportunity for the crowned, Queen of Style! The perfect way to start your ideal capsule wardrobe, with a guided eye and fantastic quality, sustainable clothing at your fingertips. Less about the fast fashion, more about considered choices featuring your wow colours and ideal style. Refreshments of choice included too!

And alongside that wonderful prize - here are the details of more amazing prizes on the day, from other fantastic businesses.

The Vintage Style Award: judged at 2:25pm

Prize: The Edinburgh Gin Experience and Goodie Bag

Inc: Runners-up Prizes

Most Stylish Couple: judged at 3:00pm

Prize:Luxury Stay at the Schloss Roxburghe, including Dinner & Breakfast

Inc: Runners-up Prizes

The Dapper Chap: judged at 3:35pm

Prize: A bespoke suit, made to measure by A Hume

Inc: Runners-up Prizes

The Queen of Style: judged at 4:10pm

As mentioned above!

Inc: Runners-up Prizes

There are 10 days to go folks! So get your friends together and be in it, to win it.

Tickets can be bought online or over the telephone, for all the information, please visit click here

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Lauren Jamieson Lauren Jamieson

Colourful, creative, kind; our sustainable journey.

Written by Cairi Bates
Guest Writer - The Colourful Edit

Here at The Colourful Edit, we know that sustainability is a journey. It’s about being mindful, doing our research, and making informed choices in all aspects of our business. When most of us think about what it means to be sustainable, our immediate thought will be about product; how they are made, what they are made of and by who. This is of course a big part of it, however there are other ways that we champion it here at TCE HQ, ways we think might surprise you. So, without further ado, here are our four ways in which we champion sustainable choices:

The Sustainable Stylist:

Lauren uses her expertise in colour to create pieces that will compliment your personal and seasonal colour palette (proud autumn here, thanks Lauren!). Fast fashion encourages us to by what they deem to be on trend and of the minute, with those trend timeframes becoming shorter all the time. This encourages a throw away culture, something Lauren would love us all to do less of. Her ethos has never been about emptying out her clients closets and replacing everything, on the contrary, she is a great believer in helping you rediscover your own hidden wardrobe gems. The press often comments on Kate Middleton’s recycling of outfits as if wearing an item of clothing more than once is a monumental achievement. We here at TCE just call that smart. If you steer clear of the fast fashion ethos and concentrate on wearing what makes you as an individual shine, then that’s a win both for your pocket, and the planet.

When it does come to helping her client’s shop, Lauren encourages the slow fashion approach. Think small brands and shopping second hand, in turn what you get is better quality products and materials. Small brands will inevitably mean they have been carefully handmade by either a single maker, or a small local team, while second hand gives you the chance to perhaps rehome something magical. Personally, I think there’s something quite special about buying second hand and imagining the life that item had before.

Local Makers:

The creative industry is practically sewn into the fabric of the Borders, there is a long and rich history of makers, inventors, and creators here, so naturally, TCE products are made where it all started, by a lovely local team who create each beautiful accessory by hand. Quality is at the very heart of it all, with each piece being created to a pattern standard. Afterall, our beautiful customers deserve equally beautiful pieces, so there’s no rushing out a hundred necklaces an hour here!

Recycled Materials:

Did you know the yarn used to make that beautiful necklace, or pair of earrings you’re wearing is made from recycled fabric? Pretty amazing right? The textiles, instead of being sent to landfill or burned, have been repurposed to be used again as a lovely chunky yarn. We all think that’s pretty fantastic! Lauren takes great care to carefully plan her collections for Spring and Autumn, with the mindset to order only what she needs. Any off cuts are given to local community projects, so nothing goes to waste. Do you remember our fantastic mini creatives campaign? It’s a great example of how the so called ‘waste’ yarn can be put to good use.

Recycled Packaging:

Making a purchase from us is very much about the whole experience, packaging then, is every bit as important as the product. Most of ou packing materials have been locally sourced, which is an important part of keeping your footprint small. Equally, it means we are supporting the local economy, and fellow business owners, something Lauren is particularly passionate about and seeks to do as often as she can. But what about the pretty tissue paper your purchase is wrapped in? Fear not, it too is recycled, and bought in bulk annually from a lovely supplier in New Zealand.

I hope this gives you a little peek into what we are doing here at TCE to be as mindful and sustainable as we can as a brand. As you can see, it’s not just about the product, but is a multi-faceted, carefully considered mindset that is at the very heart of what we do. It’s about keeping our footprint small, looking after local, and helping everybody change how we think about clothing and shopping, while still offering you beautiful products and services to make you smile.

Written by Cairi Bates
Guest Writer - The Colourful Edit

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Lauren Jamieson Lauren Jamieson

We brought the heart back…

Well, it’s safe to say, our very first market, the Heartland Market was such a great success! The street was filled with over 2000 peoplewho all came to have a little shop, chat and potter and obviously take home some of our lovely produce!

Myself, Emily and Esther were kind of just jumping for joy all day - you see it’s quite a big thing, putting your heart into something and praying it doesn’t fail! Galashiels didn’t, and we all felt the emotion, of the return of people to the streets.

Our stall holders almost sold out and the retailers in town saw footfall like no other Saturday they could remember all surpassing their normal Saturday sales.

For myself and Katie, creating the look and feel, the website and all the promotions was such a joy, so to see the vision and the planning come together just made us smile. Branding is key!

We are in the midst of planning our April event as we speak - you can visit our website for more information…

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Lauren Jamieson Lauren Jamieson


Next week I will be placed up in Edinburgh, popping up for a whole week in the newly established EGG & Co, a space championed by females, for female founders to bring their goods too! It is perfect timing really, the week before Mother’s Day weekend, so an ideal opportunity to come and arrange a gift or a voucher, or even treat yourself to a colour analysis session.

I will be there all the days except Friday, when Nicole will be representing our Brand. We have sessions in ‘colour confidence’ available at 10, 11, 12 & 1pm most days. My week days will be from 10-2, a longer day onThursday, then Saturday and Sunday I’ll be in all day.

You can book here;

Please pre-pay by ordering a digital voucher:

The cost is £75(1hr) which includes advice on your seasonal palette, a take home swatch and make up advice.

I will also have my new Spring range of necklaces which are going to add a splash of style to your look in this seasons key colours!

Did I mention that our products are sustainable? Made from recycled cotton, with recyclable packaging.

Look forward to seeing what the week brings!

Lauren xx

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Lauren Jamieson Lauren Jamieson

the heartland market

A little community project I have been working on…

As you all know, I’m a passionate ambassador of small businesses. Pre-covid I organised and ran The Colourful Edits’ Christmas Markets which showcased female founders under one roof. Most of you came and had a lovely couple of hours (peace and quiet from actual life), caught up with friends and shopped locally for your festive gifts. The Scottish Borders has so much talent. And most people I speak with, really want their towns to thrive.

You may also know that I was born and bred in Galashiels and have lovely childhood memories of growing up here. The town felt safe, there was a community, great shops and you wouldn’t walk past someone without stopping for a chat (or was that just my mum!). After a stint in Edinburgh, and all my twenties overseas in New Zealand & Australia, the call of ‘home’ brought me back. What was I thinking you may ask, but actually, the Scottish Borders is beautiful place to be. Like most though, I want my home town to be somewhere I’m proud of, to invite people, to have a talking point, especially now that I have my own family and dream of the same memories for them, as I had growing up.

Lately, with covid thrown into the mix, that sense of community has really diminished. We need to increase footfall in our home town and rally together for our lovely independent shop owners with great products, working everyday to support their families.

There isn’t really a gathering as such to bring everyone together. To put the beating heart back into the town centre (other than the town festivals that happen once a year). Wouldn’t it be nice to have a sense of homeliness.

It was time to get together with some like minded ladies, and make it happen…

We hatched a plan, each took on roles and have actually made it happen with support from Energise Galashiels Trust.

We - myself & Katie, Emily McGowan, Esther McLuckie and Jude Cormack have been working behind the scenes, planning our first Market. We have been working into the evenings and zooming through the last few weeks getting everything ready for March’s launch. Yes, March.

Introducing… The Heartland Market.

flyers for the event

The Heartland Market is to be a monthly creative space for our local traders to showcase their talents and products, to inspire and entice the community within the heart of Galashiels. Our hope is that It will bring people in from other areas, boost other Borders locations and make us feel proud to have a community event in the town centre, in turn this will create footfall for our shop owners and other small businesses.

We are looking for wonderful homegrown talent, people who have a craft, a skill, a product they can showcase. We also are hoping to involve the students from the University, to build a bridge for them to feel like they are connected. If you are a maker, shaker, baker or caker, you may apply through our form on the website. We will consider all applicants and hope to rotate and showcase an array of brands every month.

image of the planned layout

website is live and ready

I guess I’m telling you all this in the hope that you might get the train down from Edinburgh with a group of friends, pop over from Jedburgh/Peebles for a bit of retail therapy, or even fly up from London (hi Katie!) to taste some gorgeous Borders products. Who knows!

All I know is that we are putting in the work, to hopefully create some lasting legacy for our town to thrive. We will be running once a month from March to December. That’s the present commitment. It needs to work. We’ll try our best. We jut need the support and encouragement of like minded people. I’d love for you to come to the party!

Lauren xoxo
Please like, share and comment on our social channels.

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Lauren Jamieson Lauren Jamieson

egg + co

pop up in Edinburgh coming soon

save the date

☀️Mon 14th - Sun 19th March ☀️

Delighted to be taking a space in @eggcommunity

This is a space, powered by woman. With an array of amazing founders popping up with their products, with a focus on sustainability.

I’ll be using the space to work from all week - train line here I come! Coffee & WiFi!

TCE will have an amazing range of colours and styles of necklaces and earrings available, in time for Mothers Day gifting. I’ll also be available for colour analysis bookings - so if you fancy this, just email to secure a spot with me. Or just come and say hey and find a bit more about our TCE brand ❤️

It’s all very exciting! 💝

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Lauren Jamieson Lauren Jamieson

inspiration for wedding guests…

I’m sooooooo looking forward to attending my cousins wedding this year, it has got me thinking! What shall I wear, can I rework my current wardrobe, how can I put a new spin on my accessories… should I buy something new?

I know that most of my clients feel the stress to dress, especially for events. If you are attending a wedding this year, I’d alway be recommending to try and shop your own wardrobe, borrow from a friend, buy second hand or rent your outfit from a rental clothing platform site like HURR. It’s a nice way to get an up market revamp, without the cost of buying full price. Here, I’ve grabbed a few show stoppers from HURR which are available to rent…

Of course, if you see something you love - then also go for it! Life is too short to stress, (but always try to consider the life of the piece you are investing in).

When it comes to purchases, my main rules for myself are now;

  • a great quality of fabric (sustainable),

  • the absolute wow factor (that I can pass down the line),

  • buying from a small business/designer

  • something unique that I will treasure for years to come.

I actually bought my wedding headpiece before my actual wedding dress! It was the show stopper for me and I try and wear it at any given opportunity!

You know by now (if you follow me!), that by shopping in your colour palette, you are already putting your best ‘YOU’ forward. It’s worth the investment of a colour analysis to get you into the right zone. It helps with dressing in your colours, tonal dressing, how to wear colours and even what make up to wear.

In light of this, as a little guide to dressing in colour, Nicole has put together a digital shopping board for each season. Nicole’s brief was to look at all shapes, sizes and budgets. Here it is! If you would like a PDF copy of this guide, simply email

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